We as humans, achieve some share of the human virtues of truth, beauty, justice, friendship, integrity and a love for God. We are taught dignity and respect as children by our elders and I find it ridiculous, that a lot of adults lose these basic human virtues. Our abilities to know and choose are not properly exercised, for example, when faced with falsehoods or unjust actions, from single individuals, the public and even the media.
Battle not with monsters
lest ye become a monster
and if you gaze into the abyss
the abyss gazes into you.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Ethical behaviour encompasses the concepts of honesty, integrity, probity, diligence, fairness, trust, respect and consistency. It includes avoiding conflicts whenever possible, and not making improper use of any individual’s position. NO ONE should be forced to listen to bad language or insults or to be belittled in any way, be it any man, woman or child, be he/she of any race, creed, culture or religion.
People should also be aware that in multi-cultural environments, there is always the danger that a person’s behaviour may not be acceptable to another, since the standards of behaviour are different. They should also be aware that some people may be more sensitive than others, or have different tolerance levels. Treating one another with respect and dignity is everyone’s responsibility. Mistreatment of anyone can often lead to more serious behaviours such as harassment.
Dignity is something some people have more than others, and undignified moments are pitfalls for all of us, dignity is often considered a universal attribute, an offshoot of each individual´s ability of self-consciousness and practical reasoning. The capacity for choosing and controlling our own will belongs to all of us, and is the base for respect and dignity of self and as well as for others.
One should always try to develop good social habits, without them, you become socially unacceptable. Developing good habits will help us do the right thing without thinking about it too hard. Good habits protect us from falling into bad lifestyles, humans have a tendency to fall into consistent patterns of behavior. If you consciously develop good habits, you are positively training yourself to do the right things.
text by: Isabel Gallagher
Life has a bright side and a dark side, for the world of relativity is composed of light and shadows. If you permit your thoughts to dwell on evil, you yourself will become ugly. Look only for the good in everything so you absorb the quality of beauty.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
Hypocrisy, the lie, is the true sister of evil, intolerance, and cruelty.
-Raisa Gorbachev
“What is virtue, my friend?
It is to do good; let us then do it,
and that will suffice…”
– Voltaire
Studying life philosophy, old religions, pyscho-analysis etc has always been interests of mine.
The more I delve deeper into my sub-conscious, it all becomes clearer.
If we look at the bible, we have Genesis… and God´s creation. When we look deeper into it´s meaning, it´s about us, our bodies are the temple of God, respect it. God´s church is in each and everyone of us and this is clear. God created earth and everything upon it and the seventh day he rested. What does this mean to me?
When I look at it in the literal sense – the 7 days. I look upon it as the days of the week, each and every single day, our interactions with our family and friends and our community. I look upon my week, and everything that I have done in it. God on the 7th day rested. Those of you who go to church, you go to church. But for me, the 7th day, I look at it differently, I rest and meditate about my week, the 7th day is the day we look into the mirror and see who we are. The things that I could have done differently, the things that went okay, and the others that were wonderful and my mistakes, and learn from it, to learn from experience, and to improve myself as a human being, to evolve. From this, seeking my own balance between my animus and animi.
In every religion there is “7”… I will elaborate on this further. In the Catholic religion, we have the 7 sins:
1 Lust (Latin, luxuria)
2 Gluttony (Latin, gula)
3 Greed (Latin, avaritia)
4 Sloth (Latin, acedia)
5 Wrath (Latin, ira)
6 Envy (Latin, invidia)
7 Pride (Latin, superbia)
When I look at the seven sins, they only become sins when any of them is taken in excess. The people who partake of any of the seven sins in excess, will never find happiness. Like in anything in life, everything must be taken in moderation…then all is fine and you have learned to find balance in your life. when I look at the 7 sins, and study human behaviour in regards to them, the people who partake in excess of any of them, they are not happy, and not only that, they sometimes cause unhappiness to the others around them. Or the other side of the coin, is those who also live their lives truly believing that it is a sin, and won´t partake of any of the small pleasures of life… they too, are unhappy.
I love reading C. G. Jung and his theories of our conscious and our sub-conscious. He really makes sense. I love the fact that he explored astrology and tarot and he studied dreams and our collective sub-conscious and what makes us balanced human beings. The more I read Jung, the more I see Sigmund Freud as some sort of idiot. I love the fact that Jung didn´t see astrology or tarot as something hocus-pocus, but as a form of self-help, one of the oldest in the world. Who ever invented the astrology and the tarot systems, were perfect geniuses of the human pysche. Sadly, no one knows who invented these forms of self-help, they have been forgotten through the centuries. Jung also points out that our alchemists of the past were also expressing self-help through their mysterious symbology. I love alchemy, and I love to study the pictures and all the hidden meanings, the more I look into it, the more I see astrology and tarot and so many other “old” meanings into it. What a brilliant set up it all is…
by Isabel Gallagher
Be wary of anyone who paints a rosy picture in order to sell you a bill of goods. If someone tells you how fantastic everything will be, take a deep breath and then ask a lot of questions. Others may not realize the extent of their unrealistic thinking, but this doesn’t mean you have to be an unsuspecting victim.
Trust your common sense.