conosci te stesso
conhece a ti mesmo
conócete a ti mismo
know yourself…
The wise man – his eyes are in his head, while the fool walks in the dark.
To know yourself
is the doorway to the truth…
those who know themselves well
can support themselves with their strengths
and with that act upon their weaknesses
and in this way, correct themselves to become better humans
there are people who tend to think
that the faults are of others of all the evils
that befall them…
and they have tendency to project upon others
their own defects…
Let’s look at the idea of what is considered Evil.
Evil is not merely the wish to lie, harm, steal etc. in every day’s life. Most of us are hopefully beyond that, living in society with moral rules and values that protects us from being subject to evil doings or from inflicting evil doings upon others.
Evil is different. It is the sum of the negative feelings and energy within us, which if not dealt with properly will result in distancing us from our own true self and from society.
Evil is Guilt; Sadness; Depression; Jealousy; Low self-esteem; Cynicism; Gossiping; Anger, Pride. It is what’s behind that lack of willingness to get out of bed in the morning, behind those painful words said to a colleague at noontime, behind that headache in the evening. Evil is the pain in my heart at night…
“When a person sins he is in “Alma Depiruda” (Aramaic) and then in every detail he stands alone.”
Today, all those who prefer to do what they are told instead of thinking and finding themselves and what is good for them, are the contemporary followers of slaves-out-of-choice. Only when one is as close to his true self as one can be, embracing all parts of his soul in a unifying manner, one can make the right choice for himself without “slavery”. This is true freedom.
I have taken the mask off my face, looking inside it, I am smiling. My soul is cleansed and made pure again. I am one with myself and one with all. I am and always will be true to myself.
We all face each other now, know each other, living in harmony with all the one hundred and twenty seven countries of my soul.
Every one of us is like one letter, and only when attached to another a new word is born.
Unified. One. text by Isabel Gallagher
“The hardest freedom to maintain is the freedom of making mistakes.” Morris West
“Wherefore let us exhort all men to piety, that we may avoid evil, and obtain the good, of which Love is to us the lord and minister; and let no one oppose him-he is the enemy of the gods who oppose him.” – Aristophanes’ Speech
Everything flourishes; each returns to its root
Returning to the root is called tranquility
Tranquility is called returning to one’s nature
Returning to one’s nature is called constancy
Knowing constancy is called clarity
Not knowing constancy, one recklessly causes trouble
Knowing constancy is acceptance – Taoism
“It is forbidden to cry without learning why…” – excerpt from poem by Pablo Neruda
The truth you speak
has no past and no future.
It is,
and that’s all it needs to be.